
Are you a regular mom, or a cool mom? Are you a fun Dad?

Get involved! We are a non-profit youth athletics club. Our children depend on volunteers like you.

  • Coach: Provide technical soccer instruction and management of players in any of our three soccer programs, 1-2 times a week at practice and 1 time a week during game times, depending on the season.  Coaches must complete their clearances prior to coaching.
  • Assistant Coach: Support the coach in providing soccer training and management of players and parents in our travel soccer program, 1-2 times a week at practice and 1 time a week during game times depending on the season. Assistant Coaches must complete their clearances prior to coaching.
  • Manager: Work behind the scene with the coach as a parent liaison to plan, schedule, manage the TeamSnap app, prepare team rosters, and message club happenings to parents. Managers must complete their clearances prior to volunteering.
  • Board Member: Use your talent, treasure, and time to strategically support the direction of Glenside Celtic Soccer Club in a variety of functions including fundraising, communications, finance, soccer direction. Board Members must complete their clearances prior to volunteering.
  • Field Operations - help Glenside Celtic Soccer maintain and prepare our home fields during the season by painting the lines of the fields the night before the games, hanging sponsorship banners and setting up corner flags before games, moving and gasing up our lights towers.
  • Fundraising: Work closely with our sponsor and fundraising chairs by engaging with local businesses and event planning to raise awareness and funds in support of our soccer operations.

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